SPARE hemp

In the cooperative Interreg Project “SPARE – sustainable ways to use hemp holistically for innovative applications”, 2 countries, Austria and Italy, with a total of 5 regions are developing new hemp-based value chains, adapted to the conditions of the alpine and pre-alpine landscape.

The initiator and project leader, Fondazione de Claricini – Dornpacher (Friuli-Venezia Giulia), has initiated the project in order to counter the increasingly dry and extreme weather conditions and the corresponding soil erosion by re-cultivating the hemp plant, as a relatively climate-resistant and soil-regenerating option.

The task of GROWN is the application-oriented utilization of the hemp stalks produced as agro residuals for use cases based on hemp fiber-reinforced structural elements.

2024 – 2026

with Fondazione Claricini, Wood K-plus, University Trieste, Centroconsorzi

funded by INTERREG A-I