Chopped Powdered Shredded Biocompounds

From fibre reinforcement to filler – depending on their nature and processing, fast growing raw materials are suitable for various applications in composite materials.


In the ChoPS project, various types of straw and other agricultural waste streams are shredded in a granulator and combined with various biobased binders to produce divers compound materials. Depending on their screen size and processing option (e.g. foaming) , the resulting materials differ in terms of appearance and mechanical performance.


Chopping , powdering and shredding biomass is often the last option for further technical processing, especially  if the harvested quality level does not meet the required standards.


The higher the quality of the combined material, that can be generated, the more relevant the option for maximising value creation from agriculture.

since 2024

funded by Land Tirol Abteilung Wirtschaftsstandort, Digitalisierung und Wissenschaft